
About Me

I am a 2nd year Cognitive Neuroscience Ph.D. Student in the Neuroimaging Group at the Leibniz Research Centre in Dortmund, Germany. I hold a M.Sc. in Cognitive Science from Ruhr University Bochum and a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Software Engineering from American University of Central Asia and Bard College.
My research interests are related to multimodal neuroimaging methods (mainly simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings in humans), ultra-high field laminar fMRI, and application of machine and deep learning methods for the analysis and integration of multimodal/multivariate neuroimaging data.

I am attracted to interdisciplinary studies (i.e. combination of psychology and software engineering, or neuroscience and ML), and I believe that the best kind of science can only be made at the intersection of 2 or more fields.

For more information, check my CV or Projects in the navigation menu on the left.